Rabu, 30 April 2014

English Exercise

Name : Ajeng Risky
NPM  : 20213516
Class : 1 EB 17


What Is the Definition of Accountancy?

Accounting is a professional career choice that involves money management skills. Accounting is the recording of financial transactions plus storing, sorting, retrieving, summarizing, and presenting the information in various reports and analyses.

One part of accounting presenting the information in the form of general-purpose financial statements (balance sheet, income statement , etc.) to people outside of the company. It can also be defined as the duties performed by an accountant. Some Accountants are directly involved in preparing an organization s financial statements. This is likely to include maintaining the general ledger and supervising some employees. Expenses are often major classifications, An expense is a cost that occurs as part of a company s operating activities during a specified accounting period.
You have to know what is different exepense and revenues.
What is the distinction between debtor and creditor?
A debtor is a person or enterprise that owes money to another person. (The party to whom the money is owed ​​is often a supplier or bank that will be referred to as the creditor.) 
A creditor is a person, bank, or other enterprise that has lent money or extended credit to another person. (The party to whom the credit has been granted is often a customer that will now be referred to as a debtor.)

Questions and answers

1.      A cost that occurs as part of a company s operating activities during a specified accounting period is ..
a.     Expense
b.     liabilities
c.     Assets
d.     Balance sheet
The answer: A

2.     What are revenues?
a.     The financial statement that reports the revenues and expenses for a period of time seperti a year or a month
b.     The financial statement that reports the assets, liabilities, and stockholders '(owner s) equity at a specific date.
c.     The amounts that a business earns from selling goods or providing services to its customers
d.     The listing of all of the accounts available for use in a company s accounting system
The answer: C
3.     What does an accountant do?
a.     Some Accountants who audit the financial statements of many corporations and other organizations.
b.     Some Accountants are directly involved in preparing an organization s financial statements. This is likely to include maintaining the general ledger and supervising some employees.
c.     Some Accountants work with a corporation s management in analyzing costs of operations, products, and special projects.
d.     A, b, c true.
The answer: D

4.     The statement of financial position is another name for ...
a.     Income statements
b.     Balance sheet
c.     liquiditas
d.     liabilities
The answer: B

5.     What is a liability?
a.     An obligation and it is reported on a company s balance sheet.
b.     A cost that occurs as part of a company s operating activities during a specified accounting period
c.     The amounts that a business earns from selling goods or providing services to its customers
d.     The listing of all of the accounts available for use in a company s accounting system
The answer: A

6.     What is accounting?
a.     Things that a company owns and are sometimes referred to as the resources of the company.
b.     The recording of financial transactions plus storing, sorting, retrieving, summarizing, and presenting the information in various reports and analyses.
c.     Who audit the financial statements of many corporations and other organizations
d.     The listing of all of the accounts available for use in a company s accounting system
The answer: B

7.     One part of accounting berfokus pada presenting the information in the form of general-purpose financial statements is balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, except ..
a.     liabilities
b.     Revenues minus expenses.
c.     Assets
d.     Account receivable
The answer: B

8.     A person or enterprise that owes money to another is ..
a.     creditor
b.     Akuntan
c.     debtor
d.     Accounting
The answer: C

9.     A person, bank, or other enterprise that has lent money or extended credit to another person is ..
a.     creditor
b.     Akuntan
c.     debtor
d.     Accounting
The answer: A

10.   The financial statement that reports the assets, liabilities, and stockholders '(owner s) equity at a specific date is ..
a.     Income statemenet
b.     liabilities
c.     Balance sheet
d.     Statement Of Cash Flows

The answer: C


1.     Although the weather in Martha’s Vineyard isn’t ......... to have a year-round tourist session,it has become a favorite suumer resort.
a.    Goodly enough
b.    Good enough
c.    Good as enough
d.    Enough good
(an adjective is used before enough to express sufficiency)

2.    The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot .......... .
a.    Must restore
b.    Must be restoring
c.    Must have been restore
d.    Must restored
(a logical conclusion about the past is expressed by must have and a participle)

3.    The examiner made us ......... our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.
a.    Showing
b.    Show
c.    Showed
d.    To show
(a form of make with someone such as us and a verb word expresses a causative)

4.    The internal Revenue Service ........ their tax forms by April 15 every year.
a.    Makes all Americans file
b.    Makes all Americans to file
c.    Makes the filling off all Americans
d.    Makes all Americans filling
(a form of make with someone such as all Americans and a verb word expresses a causative)

5.    To answer accurately is more important than ....... .
a.    A quick finish
b.    To finish quickly
c.    Finishing quickly
d.    You finish quickly
(ideas in a series should be expressed by parallel structures)

6.    Weathering ....... the action whereby surface rock is disintegrated of decomposed
a.    It is
b.    Is that
c.    Is
d.    Being
(weathering is the subject of the verb is)

7.    A telephone recording tells callers ........ .
a.    What time the movie start
b.    What time starts the movie
c.    What time does the movie start
d.    The movie starts what time
(subject-verb order is used in the clause after a question word connectro such as a what time)

8.    It costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth ....... .
a.    Filling
b.    To fill
c.    Filled
d.    Fill
(a form of have with something such as a tooth and a participle expresses a causative)

9.    The people of Western Canada have been considering ........ themselves from the rest of the provinces.
a.    To separate
b.    Separated
c.    Separate
d.    Separating
(the verb to consider requires an –ing form in the complement)

10.  .................. war correspondent, Hemingway used his experiences for some of his most powerful novels.
a.    But a
b.    It is a
c.    While
d.    A
(an appositive does not require connestors or an additional subject)


1.     The plants that they belong to the family of ferns are quite varied in their size
and structure.
(repetition if the subject by a subject pronoun is redundant. They should be deleted)

2.    All of we students must have an identification card in order to check books out
of the library.
(we should be us after the preposition of)

3.    Airports must be located near to major population centers for the advantage of air transportation to be retained.
 (near to should be near. Nearby would also be correct)

4.    The neutron bomb provides the capable of a limited nuclear war in which
buildings would be preserved ,but people would be destroyed.
 (capable should be capability. capable is an adjcetive, capability is a noun)

5.    The differential attractions of the sun and the moon have a direct effect in the
rising and falling of the tides.
(in should be on)

6.    If it receives enough rain at the proper time,hay will grow quickly,as grass.
 (as grass should be like grass)

7.    Two of the players form the Canada has been chosen to participate in the All
Star game.
(has should be have to agree wuth the plural subject,two)

8.    Although it can be derived from oil,coal,and tar is usually produced by refine it
from petroleum.
(refine should be refining after the preposition by)

9.    The new model costs twice more than last year’s model.
 (more than should be as much as after the multiple number twice)

10.  The purpose of the United Nations, broad speaking, is to maintain peace and
security and to encourage respect of human rights.

(broad should be broadly to quality the manner in which the speaking was done)

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